Monday, March 17, 2014

With Deepest Sympathy

Hi crafty friends!

A very dear friend lost her mom last week and I decided to make her a beautiful card.  I used black rumple ribbon from Lovebug Creations and left it rumpled up.  Sometimes I iron it out to make it more smooth, but this time I wanted the effect to be loose.  The base is Black from Stampin Up and the first layer and ink are both Raspberry Ripple.  I added some pretty rhinestones using my iRock tool from imaginisce.  I know that nothing will replace Elise's void, but maybe this card will give her peace knowing she has people who love her.


  1. Such events are always sad but you will definitely bring a smile to your friend - lovely in all ways!!

  2. Hardest kind of card to make but yours turned out beautiful and I'm sure she will take comfort in it!! Just beautiful!

    Bug hugs,
