Monday, November 12, 2012

Christmas Banners for Special Needs Kids Blog Hop

Welcome to Day 3 of the Christmas Banners for Special Needs Kids blog hop!
  "In the eyes of children, we find the joy of Christmas. In their hearts, we find its meaning."
You should have arrived here from Nancie. If you just stumbled across my blog and would like to hop from the beginning, please go to CARDMONKEY and hop along.
As joyous as Christmas is for most families, for some, their holidays are filled with worry, medical treatments and tests, and pain -- for their child must be hospitalized or she or he needs long-term care rather than being home with their families. 
For these kids, Santa doesn't slip down a chimney but rather, often comes in the guise of community volunteers who help make the season bright.  This is the second Christmas season that our own band of dedicated and loving papercrafters have come together to make Holiday banners for children who are too sick to be home for the holidays. 
This year, we had so many generous crafters that our Hop is over three full days. We have also partnered with another great cause and recipient of our banners!  By teaming up with Madison Womack's I FEEL THE LOVE PROJECT, the banners our crafters have handmade will be going to the hospitalized children at Children's Hospital Central California
My banner was made using Birthday Bash and some beautiful Spiced Plum Recollections designer paper. I wanted to use a Santa "Believe" theme, since our household is getting close to the end of that innocent era. I will ALWAYS believe. I added some stickers from JoAnns to embellish a little more. I also used Liquid Applique on the Santa hats to make them dimensional. I had never used that product's pretty cool!

Cardmonkey has an AMAZING gift basket for one lucky winner. Please be sure to head over to her blog CARDMONKEY to see how you can win.
Since we have more than 50 banner makers over the course of this weekend, she will be picking 5 blogs at random, and then one random comment from that Blog site, for that commenter to win one of five great prizes, which are:
  1. Susan Bermudez, Independent Consultant for Creative Memories, donating a $20 gift certificate for Creative Memories products from her catalog (
  2. Scrappin' Madge: $25 Gift Certificate to The Scrappin Lounge Shoppe (
  3. Fresh Brewed Designs: Two prizes - One prize is a rubber stamp, Item #497 "Cutie Pie Ice Skating" (, and the other is a $15 Digital Stamp gift card.
  4. The Paper Temptress ( - Owner Patricia Dunbar will donate a $25 Gift Certificate to her online store, the Paper Temptress.
  5. The Pinque Peacock ( - Owners Jessica Shelton will donate a gift certificate to her NEW store (products are being added daily -- watch as she grows!)
  6. In addition, Close to My Heart Independent Consultant Lucy Kelleher will award a $20 gift certificate to a randomly-selected hopper who visits her blog ( and/or Facebook page ( and posts a comment about the banner blog hop!

P.S. -- Be sure to check out as many blogs as you can, as several will be providing their own blog candy with their own requirements. 

Today's blog hop order is:
  1. Ellen ~ CardMonkey -
  2. Marianne -
  3. Beckie ~
  4. Tami -
  5. Heather D. -
  6. Jearise -
  7. Susan B -
  8. Jamie M.
  9. Linda Simpson -
  10. Theresa ~ www.thescrapbookingqueen.com_
  11. Vicky -
  12. Debbie T-
  13. Pam Funk -
  14. Shelly -
  15. Alina -
  16. Lisa L. -
  17. Nancie -
  18. Dorcas - <------YOU ARE HERE
  19. Debbie _ <--------hop on to Debbie next
  20. Rexann -

Thank you again for visiting us here for a beautiful and worthwhile endeavor.  God bless all the little children wherever they spend their holidays!!


  1. This is SO SO SO SO SWEET!!! LOVE the 'Believe' and the ever so adorable Santa hats you placed on it. Too cute!!!

    1. Thank you so much for stopping by! I have to say...I am a little heartbroken that my kids are getting old enough to figure out what who's behind the magic. I will always believe!

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you, Sarah, for stopping by and for your sweet comment.

  3. I still believe too!! Your banner is just gorgeous! I love the colors you used with the white letters!!

    Glad to be in this hop with you!!

    1. So glad to be sharing this hop with you too, Lori. I still haven't been able to sit and visit anyone. It seems that life has gotten ahead of me lately.

  4. A fabulous banner and lovely sentiment too!!!!!!!!!!! Beautiful colours and lovely embellishments.

    Linda xxx

    1. Thank you, Linda, for stopping by for a visit. THis has been a great banner blog hop and such a worthy cause. I'm honored to have participated again.

  5. Fantastic Banner, It turned out Awesome!! TFS!! I am a new follower of your blog and look forward to seeing more of your super Creations!!!
    ilovetonkinese2 at hotmail dot com

    1. Thank you, Rexann! That means so much to me!!!

  6. How cute! I love the word believe with the Santa and the hats and presents. So cheerful to look at. thanks for sharing. Edwina Brown

    1. Hi Edwina! Thanks for stopping by for a visit. I have to admit, I really do believe in the magic of Santa. I hope my kids stay innocent forever. I have so many ideas for the tooth fairy and Santa...and they're going to go to waste.

  7. I love all the details on the Santa Hats! I really like your banner! Hugs, Jenny

    1. Thanks, Jenny. The hats were interesting because I had never used that product before. It foams up like a froth, so I thought "why not?" It was so plain before and this gave it a little texture. I hope the kids like it.

  8. What a fun have gone to so much detail adding all the extras. Thanks for sharing. i am your newest follower!

    1. Hi Marianne, Thank you so much for visiting and for following me. I loved making that banner. I think I'm going to make one for my house. Hmmm...I am a kid at heart and I should have never been told the secret. I'll always believe.

  9. Wow!! Dorcas, this banner is amazing. I love your paper. That is a really great shade of green. Santa is adorable and all the details work so well together. Awesome job. Thank you so much for being a part of this hop and donating your banner to the kids at Children's Hospital. I appreciate that so much!

    1. Hi madison,
      Thanks for stopping by. I've been having some computer issues and wasn't able to respond to your post. I am so happy that I was able to join in this cause. It was really fun and I love how enthusiastic everyone is. Keep up the good work!!!

  10. Super cute. I really like the alternating colors.


    1. Hi Melissa. Thanks for hopping by last week. I'm glad you enjoyed the hop.

  11. Dorcas, this is such a cute banner! The kids will love it! tfs Tami
    Tambos Creations!

    1. Hi Tami, thanks for stopping by. You know...I always get super nervous when making something, but this time I knew the kids would love it from the moment I hit "cut". Thanks for stopping by.

  12. Oh my, Dorcas, this banner is STUNNING! I love the word BELIEVE on the banner -- it is so meaningful to the hospitalized child. And the craftsmanship on this banner makes it one of my very favorites.

    Thank you again for participating in this hop that is so very dear to me. It is hard to describe the look of wonder and pure, innocent delight in the child's eyes when he or she first sees the banner hanging bedside... precious! That child appreciates you more than I can ever. May you always be blessed knowing the joy you bring.

    Ellen ♥ CardMonkey

    1. Hi Ellen. Thanks so much for your kind words. I haven't been able to reply because of computer issues, but I didn't want to overlook your lovely comments. They mean the world to me, especially coming from you! I look forward to participating as often as I can and as often as you'll have me. XOXO
